Please describe reason for visit:
Have you been Diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety or Bipolar Disorder? Depression Anxiety Bipolar Disorder None of the above
Any other health diagnoses?
Prior Surgeries with dates:
Prior Hospitalizations with Dates & Location:
Medication List with Dose (mg), Frequency and Date Started:
Check any of the following problems that apply to you?
Fever or chills; Sweats excessively; Sinus problems; Nasal congestion; Vision problems; Hearing problems; Heartburn; Swallowing problems; Nighttime cough; Daytime cough; Wheezing; Breathing/lung problems; Chest pains; Diarrhea or constipation; Nausea or vomiting; Depression; Panic Attacks; Joint pain or swelling; Headaches; Fainting spells; Fatigue or loss of energy; Weight loss Hormonal problems (thyroid or other); Blood diseases; Low iron levels; Speech difficulties; Muscle pain; Developmental problems; Anxiety/stress; Liver problems; Problems urinating; Fallen in the last year;
Do you or have you been told you (any of the following)?
Sleep talk; Sleep walk; Teeth grind; Having pain in the legs; Have twitching legs awake or asleep; Fall asleep at work; Use sleep aids; Have hallucinations upon falling asleep/awakening; Have inability to move your body (paralysis) upon falling asleep/awakening; Have difficulty falling asleep (more than 20-30 minutes in bed); Ever have sleep attacks, suddenly fall asleep; Become weak, especially when angry or laughing; Fall asleep in odd situations/places; Complain of being sleeping/tired; Gasp, snort, wake yourself up with your breathing; Have vivid dreams or acting them out; Doze off, near misses or accidents when driving; Any recent weight change in past 12 months; Have morning headaches; Experience GERD/Reflux/Indigestion at night;
How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the situations described below, in contrast to feeling just tired?
This refers to your usual way of life in recent times.
Even if you haven't done some of these things recently, try to work out how they would have affected you.
Use the following scale to write in the most appropriate number for each situation.
0 = Would Never Doze
1 = Slight Chance of Dozing
2 = Moderate Chance of Dozing
3 = High Chance of Dozing
Sitting and Reading: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
Watching TV: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
Sitting, inactive in a public place (theatre or meeting): 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
As a passenger in a care for an hour without a break: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
Sitting and talking to someone: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
Sitting quietly after lunch: 0 - Never 1 - Slight Chance 2 - Moderate Chance 3 - High Chance
*All questions above need to be answered for the form to be successfully submitted. If you don't get a message that the form has been sent successfully, please review any error messages (in red) above on any required fields that have not been chosen.