STOP BANG Questionnaire

The STOP-BANG questionnaire is a screening tool that helps identify symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The questionnaire is made up of eight questions, four of which are self-reported and four of which are demographic. The acronym STOP-BANG stands for the four self-reported questions, which are:  The four demographic questions are:  STOP BANG Questions: Each question is answered…

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Signs and Symptoms of OSA Risk Factors of OSA What is OSA? As shown in the image above, OSA occurs when your throat muscles relax during sleep, causing the throat to narrow or close. The suspension of breathing from a completely blocked airway is an obstructive apnea. A partially blocked airway, with reduced airflow is…

Circadian Rhythms

A look at the body’s natural time cues: Circadian Rhythms are the natural rhythm of biological and psychological processes that normally cycle in a 24-hour period. They influence our body temperature, sleep and wakefulness, hormone levels. Circadian Cycles are influenced by sunlight and other time cues. For most of us, the cycle is very close…

Insomnia Information

It is estimated that 50-150 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder.  One of the most     common is insomnia, which is characterized by trouble falling or staying asleep. Insomnia is a problem for 1 out of every 3 adults and is most common among women and older adults. If you have ever suffered from insomnia,…

Who Gets Better Sleep – Men or Women?

Everybody (men, women, teens and children) needs quality sleep—and everyone depends on sleep to support health, healing, memory, and the ability to function well throughout the day.  Why adult men and women both need a recommended seven to eight hours of sleep, how does sleep needs and issues differ from men and women, throughout the…